Sunday, June 29, 2008

taking pic with bday gal.. jean's 19th bday!

happy birthday jean, although it's in china, but we hope u enjoy it!

Monday, June 09, 2008

我的寝室的厕所。不要误会,黑黑的不是因为没洗,是上一次的人没洗, 现在怎么洗也洗不掉了。
carina's 空空的。
yiting's 看第三张,堆得满满的,都是卖给亲戚的礼物哦!
stella's 看第四张,是她的减肥计划书。
我的。有没有spot 到很多hello kitty 的东西呀?
trina's 注意看第二张,这是她的私人垃圾桶
jean's 不要以为她没有什么食物,其实都藏在厨子里面,你们看不到而已。
wendy's 其实之前有更多吃的,只是最近吃的比较拼命,所以现在看起来空了些。吃的多,wire 也多。
xueli's 虽然有很多pink pink的东西,我很喜欢,可是会不会太拥挤了一点,不能呼吸啊!!看一下第四张,连桌地下都是满满的。
imitation.. dunno to laugh or cry..

puma v.s fuma,kuma,punk,tuna???
kfc v.s kfg olay v.s okay sony v.s sqny 康师傅 v.s 康帅傅
adidas v.s adadas, adidos nike v.s hike,IVIKE

Sunday, June 08, 2008

we went to supermarket to buy e rice dumplings.. those frozen or vacuum one..
not v delicious bcos it's too oily and salty but jus want to hv e 气氛..

taking pics after class.. bcos we wanna collect more n more pics..
a group pic..
新开张的 toilet concept restaurant.
i like e concept and it's kind of cozy..
we played cards n chess.。
toilet bowl ice creams(yummy!!), and my curry chicken rice(not spicy enough)
we finished all e food.. 厉害吧?

Saturday, June 07, 2008

my new perm hair.. sure got ppl say no difference one la.. but my friends say a bit BOOM. hahaa..
zi lian.. show some of my pics.

Thursday, June 05, 2008

前几天,6月1日是中国的儿童节。。 可是却有很多小朋友没办法过节。。。

not ready yet la wendy!!!
shao xin's trip. 绍兴一日游
was raining