graduation day
i woke up really early in e morning. was like... 6.30am i think. hvn get up at this timing ever since..... (o goodness!)i couldn even rmb when was e last time..
but i was glad tat i wasn late tat morning. i went to sch with my brother. and i asked him:"hey, tell me frankly, do i look like a restaurant waitress like that??" bcos i really think tat when i wear black n white i'll just look like one.
bcos i'm J, so i was kinda 'infront'. so i wasn very ready when i go on stage. and e "best" thing was.. when i was walking on e stage.. my grad robe's buttom opened UP! (do i need to be so sexy?) then i was like "OH NO!HOW HOW HOW?" so i had to hold on to my robe and walked away. (embarrassed! i hope no one sees)
e whole graduation thingy went smoothly, not as bad as i thought, just a little bit TOO warm for ppl who were wearing robes. there was food served after e ceremony, but my parents n my mel all didn wan to eat. (see their face, must be hvn really awake yet. still blur blur like wanna slp like tat, i was e only excited one. so at least i give face, ate a small piece of pie...)we took pictures in the hall.. and left after that. wendy commented in her blog tat i went home after half an hr's time. (NO LOH! WHERE GOT?? ) now, i m here to clarify, it's abt 15mins only!!! hahaha.. now a bit regretted but i didn take pics with my friends!!! i'm sorry ok! what did i do after tat?
went home to get changed~~~went out to have a nice lunch with my mel~~~tuition(poor thing hor? economy down la, cannot take a day off)~~~dinner with family(think my dad treated it as my graduation celebration? so good ah.. but hor.. tab's daddy bought her a watch leh.... hahaa..)
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