i think friday is always my blogging-day. it's e best time to sit down n slowly blog abt my daily life. sorry spore friends, no more funny pics recently, bcos they r afraid of me already. all behave hao hao, so i hv no chance to take pics. (so sian)
after viewing all e blogs, i realised 《背驰》is really a v popular book. everyone is 推荐-ing abt this book.. u all should try to go n find this book and read ba. and i've bought one for felix too, bcos i noe she will sure like it v much. (now jean is reading it, let's see if she'll cry)
oh ya, i heard from my friends tat there was a 7.9 earthquake in china. read carefully again, FROM FRIENDS hor, not from e tv news nor newpapers. we r like 井底之蛙after we came to china. everything also dunno, dunno abt e 手足口症,台风,and e quake. but anyway, i heard tat shanghai and zhejiang also got SHAKE a bit, but how come hangzhou dun hv leh? we were still thinking if got shake here den maybe e sch will arrange us to go back spore early bcos e parents will worry and complaint, haha.. (den i must quickly go shopping and buy alot of things back) but choy, touch wood. better dun shake here, 我怕晕!hahaa..
and e funny thing is felix actually sent a sms to wendy, to see if we r safe here.. but some how e connection got problem i think, den wendy didn receive. when felix see no reply she gan jiong, thought we also affected or what.. haha.. den when we went online after class, she finally an xin. ok lar, at lease she still care n worried abt us. thanks ar... (heard from xueli tat wu han got quake also, wahahaa.. good luck to e media track friends.. i will pray for u all de..)